Camastra, Nicole J. “Homesickness and Heartache: Teaching Hemingway and McCarthy in the Secondary Classroom.” ALA Symposium: Historical Imagination in American Literature. Oct. 2022

Camastra, Nicole J. “‘The Sugar Beet Racket’ Reviewed: Teaching Hemingway’s ‘The Gambler, the Nun, and the Radio’ in the Anthropocene Classroom.” 19th Biennial International Hemingway Conference. July. 2022

Camastra, Nicole J. “The Placeless Space of Consciousness: Fitzgerald’s ‘Nightmare’ and Poe’s ‘The System of Dr. Tarr and Professor Fether.’ ALA Symposium on the American Short Story. Sept. 2019

Camastra, Nicole J. “Putting the Medium and the Message in Perspective: Teaching The Sun Also Rises in the Digital Age.” 18th Biennial International Hemingway Conference. July. 2018

Camastra, Nicole J. “Music and the Persevering Traveler: Winner Take Nothing as Modernist Short Story Cycle” ALA Symposium on the Short Story. October. 2016

Camastra, Nicole J. “Music, Modernism, and the Art of Hemingway’s Short Stories.” 25th Annual American Literature Association Conference. May. 2014

Camastra, Nicole J. “The Art of Baking as Healing Meditation.” 2013 Women and Girls in Georgia Conference. October. 2013

Camastra, Nicole J. “‘I Was Made to Eat’: Food and Brillat-Savarin’s Genesiac Sense in A Farewell to Arms.” 15th Biennial International Hemingway Conference. June. 2012